Tuesday, March 19, 2019

Strain Family ~ Peach Blossoms

I've been so excited to get started on this year's Peach Blossom mini sessions... these sessions are WILDLY popular and always gorgeous! Peach Blossoms are unique because they only flower for a few weeks early in the Spring, and then they're gone until the next year. So timing is everything with these special flowers, and they are a great way to kick off the year for any photographer!

When Lauren reached out to me about photographing her family, I couldn't contain my excitement. Hadleigh is THE cutest little girl you'll ever meet, and her squishy little smile had me smiling all afternoon! Thank you Strain family, for the privilege of capturing your love.

Special thanks to Lineberger's Maple Springs Farm in Dallas, NC for the beautiful Peach Orchard... If you've never been to this local farm, you're missing out! They open for business in April with strawberries, so head over and show them some love!

Thursday, January 3, 2019

Ford ~ 6 weeks old

I was beyond excited when Lacey texted me last week saying she and John and their family were coming to visit! We patiently waited well beyond Lacey's due date for Ford to enter the world. He finally did so on November 20th, all 9lb 3oz of sweet baby squish! When Lacey told me they were coming I immediately asked if we could do some photos of their sweet family. Ford is now 6 weeks old, and extremely alert, he didn't want to miss a moment of his own photo shoot. Congratulations John and Lacey and big sisters Av & Haley! 

Strain Family ~ Peach Blossoms

I've been so excited to get started on this year's Peach Blossom mini sessions... these sessions are WILDLY popular and always gorge...