Tuesday, December 25, 2018

Navie is One!

I met Stephanie way back in college. She was my roommate's sorority sister and while we didn't spend a lot of time together over the years, she's always been someone I've admired. Friendly, beautiful, focused and driven are some qualities that come to mind when I think of Stephanie. It just so happens that as we fast forward several years, we both found ourselves living in Charlotte, NC... a big change from the small little coastal college town where we met what seems like so long ago. Stephanie and her husband reached out to me about photographing their little girl, Navie's first birthday and I knew this was one I couldn't miss. Stephanie has gorgeous taste, and I knew this party would be top notch with every little detail. I was honored for the opportunity to capture this gorgeous girl on her very special first birthday! Happy Birthday Navie!


Strain Family ~ Peach Blossoms

I've been so excited to get started on this year's Peach Blossom mini sessions... these sessions are WILDLY popular and always gorge...